
シャーロック・ホームズ:ボヘミアの醜聞で英語学習 No.30




“It is nothing very formidable,” he said, taking a long cigar-shaped roll from his pocket.


「それは、アン、普通の配管工用の発煙筒、装備してある、共に、ア、キャップ、所、両方の端、到る 動作する、それが、自動着火。 君の役目は、限定される、到る その物のこと。
“It is an ordinary plumber’s smoke-rocket, fitted with a cap at either end to make it self-lighting. Your task is confined to that.


時、君が上げる、君の大声、属す、火事、とにかく、関わってくれるだろう、寄って かなりの、ア、数、属す、人々。
(it will be taken up:状況は関わられるだろう)
When you raise your cry of fire, it will be taken up by quite a number of people.


君はそれから歩いて行けばいい、到る the はずれ、属す the 通り、そうすれば、僕は再合流する、君と、中、10分。 僕は望む、次のこと、僕は説明できている、自分で、明確に?」
You may then walk to the end of the street, and I will rejoin you in ten minutes. I hope that I have made myself clear?”


「僕は残って傍観し、到る 付く、近く the 窓の、到る 見る、君を、そして、所、the 合図、到る なげ入れる、この物体、それから、到る 上げる、the 大声、属す、火事、そして、到る 待つ、きみを、所、the かど、属す the 通り。」
“I am to remain neutral, to get near the window, to watch you, and at the signal to throw in this object, then to raise the cry of fire, and to wait you at the corner of the street.”



“Then you may entirely rely on me.”


「それはこの上ない。 僕は思う、たぶん、そろそろ時間だ、その時間は、僕が準備をする、対象、the 新しい役柄、僕が演じなければならない。」
“That is excellent. I think, perhaps, it is almost time that I prepare for the new role I have to play.”


彼は姿を消した、中に到る 彼の寝室、そして、戻ってきた、中、数分、中、the 人物、属す、an 愛想が良くて純真な非国教会の牧師。
He disappeared into his bedroom and returned in a few minutes in the character of an amiable and simple-minded Nonconformist clergyman.


彼のツバ広の黒い帽子、彼のだぶだぶのズボン、彼の白いタイ、彼の親切そうな笑顔、そして全身の見た目、属す、じっと見ているようで慈悲深い好奇心、存在だった、次のような、Mr. ジョン ヘア、ただ一人、肩を並べられるだろう。(同等であ[り続け]るだろう)
His broad black hat, his baggy trousers, his white tie, his sympathetic smile, and general look of peering and benevolent curiosity were such as Mr. John Hare alone could have equalled.


It was not merely that Holmes changed his costume.


彼の表情、彼のしぐさ、彼の魂までも(が)、思われた、到る 変わるよう、共に ことごとく新しい役柄、その役柄、彼が仮定した。
His expression, his manner, his very soul seemed to vary with every fresh part that he assumed.


演劇界、失った、ア、名優、それと同時に、科学界、失った、an 鋭い理論家、時、彼がなった、ア、専門家、中、犯罪。
The stage lost a fine actor, even as science lost an acute reasoner, when he became a specialist in crime.




“It is nothing very formidable,” he said, taking a long cigar-shaped roll from his pocket.
“It is an ordinary plumber’s smoke-rocket, fitted with a cap at either end to make it self-lighting.
Your task is confined to that.
When you raise your cry of fire, it will be taken up by quite a number of people.
You may then walk to the end of the street, and I will rejoin you in ten minutes. I hope that I have made myself clear?”
“I am to remain neutral, to get near the window, to watch you, and at the signal to throw in this object, then to raise the cry of fire, and to wait you at the corner of the street.”
“Then you may entirely rely on me.”
“That is excellent. I think, perhaps, it is almost time that I prepare for the new role I have to play.”
He disappeared into his bedroom and returned in a few minutes in the character of an amiable and simple-minded Nonconformist clergyman.
His broad black hat, his baggy trousers, his white tie, his sympathetic smile, and general look of peering and benevolent curiosity were such as Mr. John Hare alone could have equalled.
It was not merely that Holmes changed his costume.
His expression, his manner, his very soul seemed to vary with every fresh part that he assumed.
The stage lost a fine actor, even as science lost an acute reasoner, when he became a specialist in crime.




シャーロックホームズの冒険 ボヘミアの醜聞-030 S7-P5
