
シャーロック・ホームズ:ボヘミアの醜聞で英語学習 No.36




ホームズ、腰掛けていた、接触、the ソファ、そして私は見た、彼を、しぐさ、次のような男、その男、状態、中、息苦しい。
Holmes had sat up upon the couch, and I saw him motion like a man who is in need of air.


ア、メイド、駆け寄って、さっと開いた、the 窓。
A maid rushed across and threw open the window.


所 the ほぼ同時、私は見た、彼を、上げる、彼の手、そして、所 the 合図、私は投げ入れた、私の発煙筒、中に到る the 部屋、共に、ア、叫び、属す、「火事だ!」
At the same instant I saw him raise his hand and at the signal I tossed my rocket into the room with a cry of “Fire!”


The 言葉、状態だった、ほとんど間がない、外に出た、属す、私の口、次と比べて、the 群衆全体、属す、見物人、よい身なりと、だらしない身なりの男たち、馬番、そして、使用人に(の)メイド、加わった、中、ア、雑多な叫び、属す、「火事だ!」
The word was no sooner out of my mouth than the whole crowd of spectators, well dressed and ill, ―gentlemen, ostlers, and servant-maids, ―joined in a general shriek of “Fire!”


濃い雲状、属す、煙、渦巻いた、通って the 部屋、そして、外で、所 the 開いた窓。
Thick clouds of smoke curled through the room and out at the open window.



私は捕らえた、ア、ひとめ、属す、素早く移動している人影、そして、ア、ちょっとあとに、the 声、属す、ホームズ、起点 内側、断言する、彼らに、 その断言、叫び声は、状態だった、ア、間違った警告(誤報)。
I caught a glimpse of rushing figures, and a moment later the voice of Holmes from within assuring them that it was a false alarm.


すり抜けながら、the 叫んでいる群衆、私は道を切り開いた(道を作った)、到る the 角、属す、the 通り、そして、中、10分、喜ばされた、到る 気づく(見つける)、私の友人の腕、中、私の腕、そして、到る 立ち去る、起点 the 現場、属す、騒ぎ。
Slipping through the shouting crowd I made my way to the corner of the street, and in ten minutes was rejoiced to find my friend’s arm in mine, and to get away from the scene of uproar.


彼は歩いた、素早く、そして、中、無言、対象、数分くらい、次まで、我々が曲がり終えた、一つ、属す、the 静かな通り、その通りは、繋がる、向かって the エッジウェア通り。
He walked swiftly and in silence for some few minutes until we had turned down one of the quiet streets which lead towards the Edgeware Road.


“You did it very nicely, Doctor,” he remarked. “Nothing could have been better. It is all right.”


「君は持っているのか、the 写真を?」
“You have the photograph?”
“I know where it is.”
“And how did you find out?”


「僕はいるよ、まだ、中、the (見通せない)暗闇。」
“She showed me, as I told you she would.”
“I am still in the dark.”




Holmes had sat up upon the couch, and I saw him motion like a man who is in need of air.
A maid rushed across and threw open the window.
At the same instant I saw him raise his hand and at the signal I tossed my rocket into the room with a cry of “Fire!”
The word was no sooner out of my mouth than the whole crowd of spectators, well dressed and ill―gentlemen, ostlers, and servant-maids―joined in a general shriek of “Fire!”
Thick clouds of smoke curled through the room and out at the open window.
I caught a glimpse of rushing figures, and a moment later the voice of Holmes from within assuring them that it was a false alarm.
Slipping through the shouting crowd I made my way to the corner of the street, and in ten minutes was rejoiced to find my friend’s arm in mine, and to get away from the scene of uproar.
He walked swiftly and in silence for some few minutes until we had turned down one of the quiet streets which lead towards the Edgeware Road.
“You did it very nicely, Doctor,” he remarked. “Nothing could have been better. It is all right.”
“You have the photograph?”
“I know where it is.”
“And how did you find out?”
“She showed me, as I told you she would.”
“I am still in the dark.”



